Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I'm a growin' boy!

A lot of changes have happened this week.  Kieran has given mom one night of almost five straight hours of sleep!  I can tell you how much mom appreciated that one! 

He has been more active during his "tummy time".  He is trying really hard to pick up his head and even crawl!

Poopy diapers are less frequent.  I'll spare you the photo, but here is a photo of another change this week.  Reusable diapers!  He is finally big enough to wear them.  

Here are some more photos from the week (narrated by Kieran).  

More play time!  Look!  I have a toy!  OK, maybe someone put that in my hand for me.

It is finally cooler outside.  Goin' for a walk.

Dad with new hair.  Maybe I'll be as big as him someday!

Or maybe someday I'll rule in the high courts.....of a previous century.

Mom and me.  The best!


Unknown said...

Kieran looks SO BIG, and Mom looks SO THIN!!!! Holy geeze, Krista... you're giving me some unreal expectations for weight loss after birth.

Anonymous said...

Kieran is such a beautiful boy and growing so fast! Looks like you guys are all doing great - we love seeing the new pictures!

The Kongs

H and S said...

WOW, Kieran looks so big compared to the last time I saw him. He is too cute with those eyes of his.