Happy Halloween!
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. The way we do it here is sit outside with a few friends with a beer in hand and hand out candy to the kiddos. I always make little treat bags with some candy, a sticker or two, and usually a toy. I would say we got a good amount of trick-or-treaters. They were all very cute. Kieran only sported his monkey outfit for about 20 minutes. It was just to hot to be in that furry suit.

Gandma and Grandpa Pittman came for a short visit. Kieran has grown a lot since Grandma had seen him last.
Kevin too came to visit his little nephew.
Go Horns!
Kieran got to watch the horns beat up on the Baylor Bears this last weekend with his friend Ellie. Ellie is two and a half months older then Kieran, and, yes, they are the same size. He's a big boy!
Happy Anniversary to us!
Scott and I celebrated out 6th anniversary this past weekend. And since Kieran was a big part of our 6th year, he got to go out to dinner with us. What a good looking family!
I'm a growing boy!
OK, I've already mentioned that we have a very large baby boy, but Kieran is developing fast in many other ways too. His new tricks are turning over from his back to his front, saying all the vowel sounds (we're working on the consonants), and he is finally starting to play with his toys. He is such a blessing in our lives and we have been enjoying every moment with him. Here are a couple more cute picks of our favorite little man.